To really foster equitable systems and empower collective action, we must identify our universal story. Focusing on themes decolonisation, collective action for water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), and systems thinking in specific contexts, this theme focuses on co-creation and fueling locally-led solutions.
Explore how government-led solutions can lead to more effective WASH practices. Engage in thought-provoking discussions with industry experts, gain new insights into innovative approaches, and walk away with a refreshed perspective and a vision for a more inclusive and sustainable WASH future.
Together stronger – all systems are connected
We open with our symposium’s purpose. Experts, changemakers and decision-makers assemble to explore how connecting across boundaries and promoting systems leadership can help us achieve social justice and improved national systems.
W5.1 Decolonising the WASH narrative to localise systems change, Part 1: disrupting the single story
Time: 11:30
Location: Yangtze 1, World Forum
To achieve Sustainable Development Goal 6 we must first reduce the inequalities created by structural violence that impede solving WASH issues. We must then realise our roles in maintaining these systems of oppression to decolonise the WASH narrative and ensure that we tell a comprehensive and inclusive WASH story.
Organisers, contributors and presenters
Bethlehem Mengistu, Agenda for Change
Renjitha Maniyil Haridasan and Grace Phiri, Water WISER
Euphresia Luseka, Rural Water Supply Network (RWSN)
Kristie Urich, World Vision
Georgia Hales, University of Leeds
Sujata Tripathy, Water For People
W5.2 Decolonising the WASH narrative to localise systems change, Part 2: changing the narrative
Time: 13:45
Location: Africa, World Forum
How can we make the WASH story more equitable with a shared vision for the future? Who should be telling the WASH story? In part 2, we will reimagine a co-created partnership across the WASH spectrum, ensuring we are allies in tackling inherent colonial legacies.
Organisers, contributors and presenters
Bethlehem Mengistu, Agenda for Change
Renjitha Maniyil Haridasan, Water WISER
Kristie Urich, World Vision
Grace Phiri, Water WISER
Ruth Sylvester, Water WISER
Kimberly Lemme, Dig Deep (USA)
Kabir Thatte, Dig Deep (USA)
Jacob Nitya, Sustainable Sanitation Alliance India Chapter
W5.3 WASH systems thinking in fragile contexts and humanitarian settings
Time: 15:30
Location: King Willem Alexander, World Forum
How useful is systems thinking in fragile contexts and humanitarian settings? In this session, we will strive to understand WASH systems in fragile contexts, share lessons and approaches to ensure stakeholder participation, and present case studies on market-based solutions.
Organisers, contributors and presenters
Renjitha Maniyil Haridasan, Water WISER
Will Tillett, United Purpose
Heather Skilling, DAI
Lucien Blaser, Helvetas
Alexander Oeze, Austrian Red Cross
Georgia Hales, University of Leeds
Fania Christodoulides, University of Cambridge
Darren Seywell, DAI
Farah Salem, University of Leeds
Hayley Elling, World Vision
Strengthening all systems – building resilience with water, sanitation and hygiene
Our systems journey continues as we explore and promote the role of resilient national water and sanitation systems, and the change agenda required to deliver them. Explore how water and sanitation can galvanise the development of wider public services.
W5.4 WASH in institutions: case studies for systems thinking for WASH in institutions
Time: 11:30
Location: Africa, World Forum
The session aims to bring together lessons, case studies and tools from projects on sustainable WASH services in healthcare facilities and educational institutions. These lessons highlight the need for a holistic understanding of WASH systems in healthcare and educational institutions and their interconnection with other systems components.
Organisers, contributors and presenters
Miguel Gutiérrez, World Vision
Renjitha Maniyil Haridasan, Water WISER
Miguel Gutiérrez, World Vision
Mita Sirait, World Vision
Smorden Tomoka, United Purpose
Stephan Simon, Welthungerhilfe
Robel Wamisho, World Vision
Maybin Ng'ámbi, World Vision
W5.5 Collective action to tackle SDG 6, Part 1: Experiences of shifting toward systems approaches and collective action
Time: 13:45
Location: Africa, World Forum
This session shares experiences of how WASH organisations have progressively adopted a systems approach, working with partners, peers and funders to support this shift. The session will explore how committing to genuine collective action challenges organisations to rethink their ways of working from programme design to capacity to culture.
Organisers, contributors and presenters
Bethlehem Mengistu, Agenda for Change
Hayley Elling, World Vision
Hannah Crichton-Smith, WaterAid
Irene Gai, Welthungerhilfe
Will Tillett, United Purpose
Amaka Godfrey, WaterAid
W5.6 Collective action to tackle SDG 6, Part 2: The power of collective action
Time: 15:30
Location: Yangtze 2, World Forum
The session will share the experiences of actors in WASH systems who have employed collective action to drive change in policy and implementation. The intent is to spark ideas and discussion to further collective action for WASH across various contexts and actors.
Organisers, contributors and presenters
Alec Shannon and Bethlehem Mengistu, Agenda for Change
Grace Phiri, Water WISER
Kabir Thatte, Dig Deep (USA)
Ruth Sylvester, Water WISER
Kimberly Lemme, Dig Deep (USA)
Taking action as systems leaders
We'll synthesise insights from the first two days, agree on actions and put you in the driving seat. With help from our Wisdom Council, you’ll take part in Action Assemblies and a final plenary to help define a post-event agenda while –hopefully – committing to your role in it.
W5.7 Ideas market for your WASH systems backpack
Time: 8:30
Location: Oceania Foyer, World Forum
This session is the culmination of WASH Learning Theme 5, where participants will learn from and interact with various tools focusing on aspects of systems strengthening and collective action approaches. Participants are invited to come and collect relevant ideas to enhance their own work.
Organisers, contributors and presenters
Bethlehem Mengistu, Agenda for Change
Kristie Urich, World Vision
Sean Furey, Skat Foundation
Sidney Shea, World Vision
Clarence Sutharsan Sukunadas, World Vision
Afou Chantal Bengaly, IRC
John Brogan, Helvetas
Ana Rivera, Living Water International