The issues are complex but the solutions are out there. Because systems don't work in isolation.
A safer, more resilient healthcare facility needs an interconnected health and water, sanitation and hygiene system.
A district that's strong in the face of climate risks needs a water and sanitation system that is resilient to drought, floods, landslides and water-borne diseases.
A country that lifts its people out of poverty needs to connect the systems for financing health, climate and social justice, with water, sanitation and hygiene.

Our speakers

"We started to develop a new model: one that puts communities first.
We knew that lack of access to healthcare was multidimensional.
There is no single quick fix. In order to sustainably strengthen health systems, we knew we had to develop a model that acknowledges the wider ecosystem."
- My Public Health Journey blog
Dr Githinji Gitahi
Group CEO, AMREF Health Africa

"Floods and droughts are some of the most tangible – and devastating – consequences of the climate crisis.
It is crucial that societies adapt and that governments prioritize, accelerate, and scale up their response mechanisms in the coming decade."
- World Bank Blogs
Kitty van der Heijden
Director-General International Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of the Netherlands

"We made a lot of strides ... but have a lot of problems with respect to polluting the ocean, the sea and also the water bodies.
These are the areas that require collaborative efforts by all stakeholders especially the districts that are the implementation hands of the SDGs as well as the national development plan at the sub-national level."
- Ghana Today
Dr Kodjo Esseim
Director General National Development Planning Commission, Republic of Ghana

All Systems Connect 2023 was made possible thanks to the generous support of our partners including the World Health Organization and :


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